Museum-Church of the Holy Spirit

The Church of the Holy Spirit in the village of Horb in Kolochava dates back to 1795. 

A church, constructed without a single nail in the Baroque style, is plain and perfect in proportions.

According to the inscription on the doorpost, which says, “This church was built in 1795, during the reign of the parish priest John Popovich and the Emperor Francis II, for Master Ferenc Tekka. There was a great famine at that time.”. In ancient times, famine often accompanied the life of the nobility, and such misfortunes were sometimes recorded in parish books. In Kolochava, the record even found its way to the door of the church.

During the Soviet time, the communists completely devastated the shrine inside, and instead of images, the portraits of communist leaders were placed in the altar, and this place was turned into a museum of atheism. And, perhaps, this is what helped to preserve the landmark, so the church remained sacrosanct outside.

Now, there is a church-museum here. Old church books, documents, and icons are available for tourists. However, of course, the temple building which is more than two centuries old, is the most interesting exhibit here.